Brief Synopsis: This trilogy is made up of The Secret Hour, Touching Darkness and Blue Noon. Over the course of the trilogy Jessica encounters other Midnighters with whom she allies herself. The protagonists in the trilogy are the eponymous Midnighters- Desdemona (referred to as Dess), Rex, Jonathan, and Melissa. The antagonists of the series are Darklings and Slithers, dangerous and powerful beings that created and live in the Blue Hour. This series is a little scary, magical, freaky, and weird. Readers who have enjoyed this series also recommend James Patterson's Maximum Ride series, Simon Holts's The Devouring series, and Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games series.
News: Scott Westerfeld's YA trilogy about kids born at midnight who can walk around during the 25th hour of the day, when the rest of the world is still, is once again being developed as a possible TV series. This time around, it's the creators of Chuck, Chris Fedak and Josh Schwartz, and they're trying to pitch Midnighters to Fox.
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